Why become a sponsor?
Becoming a sponsor for our car club can bring many benefits, including increasing brand exposure and recognition within the community. It also allows for building relationships with knowledgeable people who share common interests, which can lead to expanding business opportunities or customer base. Sponsoring an event gives businesses the chance to showcase their products or services while promoting networking possibilities among competitors and enthusiasts alike. Overall, sponsoring the St Augustine Cruisers car club is a great way to boost business reputation!
As a sponsor, your brand will be prominently displayed on signs at club events, giving you valuable exposure. Additionally, you'll receive an advertisement on our website and in our newsletter for a whole year. Plus, the option to have a cruise-in at your locale!! Take a look at the different sponsor levels below for more details.
As a sponsor, your brand will be prominently displayed on signs at club events, giving you valuable exposure. Additionally, you'll receive an advertisement on our website and in our newsletter for a whole year. Plus, the option to have a cruise-in at your locale!! Take a look at the different sponsor levels below for more details.
Select A Sponsor Level
Gold Level $300/yr
Gold sponsors receive preferred billing across most of our advertising categories along with other valuable benefits.
Silver level $200/yr
Silver sponsors receive standard billing across many of our advertising categories along with other benefits.
Bronze Level $150/yr
Bronze sponsors receive billing across many of our advertising categories along with other benefits.
The St. Augustine Cruisers Car Club would like to thank all our sponsors for their contributions, continued support and patronage in our mission. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the club please fill out the form below, and we will respond with additional sponsorship information.